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unknown_guy17 38 男
4 記事
スコア 0.0
re: looking for a good stuff   2004/6/3

well have u tried hydroxycut? alotta ppl use em, actors and actresses too. but u gotta work out and run at teh same time. also maybe changing ur eating habits

0 コメント, 41 閲覧された回数, 13 投票 ,3.81 スコア
TheG3 55 男
3 記事
スコア 0.0
RE: HGH   2004/6/3

Hgh is a precurser that helps your glands (hypothalamus and putuitary) release more growth hormone. It is not a steriod. I tried it and at first it was great I lost weight and gained muscel, libido increased too. Then as I continued to use it my appetite got out of controll. Hungry all the time! Cravings for larger and larger portions of food, it was rediculouse. I am still recovering from ...

0 コメント, 77 閲覧された回数, 31 投票 ,7.46 スコア
TheG3 55 男
3 記事
スコア 0.0
RE: Need Some Anwsers   2004/6/1

Hydroxycut is a good fat burner, and they really wok, will actually boost your metabolism, but can make you feel a little speedy, Use common sense! Don't take to many!

0 コメント, 38 閲覧された回数, 20 投票 ,5.29 スコア
leggmonster 55 男
3 記事
スコア 0.0
RE: Reply to "looking for a good stuff"   2004/6/1

The best suggestion I can recommend to losing body fat is to remain positive about a good diet and exercise program with moderate weekly fat loss over an extended period of time. The average person can safely lose about 1 pound of fat a week without having the body eat into the muscle tissue to create extra fuel (glycogen) for energy. Of course the exact amount depends on the functionality ...

0 コメント, 54 閲覧された回数, 21 投票 ,7.33 スコア
brian352004 54 男
19 記事
スコア 0.0
Fitness Programs.   2004/5/17

Does anyone know of any good AB workouts? I've tried a few but...looking for something new...that someone else had good results with.

0 コメント, 46 閲覧された回数, 21 投票 ,4.61 スコア
Southern_Charm69 48 男
2 記事
スコア 0.0
Kegel Exercies   2004/5/3

The Kegel Exercises also work well for men. Not only does it help prevent Prostate Cancer, but it also helps control preliminary ejaculation. To do the exercises, flex the muscle you use to stop urine from flowing. A good way to initiate the exercise is to stop urinating at least 3 times when you pee. This is a good technique b/c you will learn which muscles you need to tighten.

0 コメント, 84 閲覧された回数, 38 投票 ,8.13 スコア
BornFelix_1982 42 男
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Sex   2004/4/26

Have fun with it. If you make it last longer than two minutes you will get a great workout. LOL Especialy if you're a nympho, like I am. I'm seriouse though if you have a lot of great sex it works almost all the muscles in your body. A high metabolism helps too.

0 コメント, 52 閲覧された回数, 51 投票 ,7.25 スコア
Masterskitten 61 女
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Looking good--a gift to your Dom/me   2004/3/23

Besides your own health and well being, it seems to me that submissives would want to look good physically for their Dominant. Women espcially are judged so much by their looks, not just by society in general, but also those in the Lifestyle. I personally try to work out and stay in good shape because I want my Dominant to be proud to be seen with me. It would seem that this would be ...

1 コメント, 115 閲覧された回数, 39 投票 ,5.76 スコア
slaveessence 55 女
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Healthy Weight Loss   2004/2/26

Two years ago I lost a relationship that I valued more than anything because my Master said I had gotten too fat. Now, I know there are people that will crucify him for saying something that shallow; however, I had gotten up to almost 290lbs and I was FAT!!! After trying a variety of 'fixes', I found a program that re-educated me on food and taught me a system of accountability to give me ...

0 コメント, 95 閲覧された回数, 35 投票 ,5.62 スコア
Berks_Guy 47 男
4 記事
スコア 0.0
Weight Loss   2004/2/1

I have been trying to lose weight for years and I have finally found out where I was going wrong. I was trying to lose too much too fast and the net result was I was going into starvation mode and storing fat rather than burning it. I have now set my goals lower and aim to lose 2 stone in 6 months simply by lowering my calorie intake from 3000 calories a day to 1800 calories a day. In the ...

0 コメント, 82 閲覧された回数, 37 投票 ,6.11 スコア
RalCpl4femsub 56 C
2 記事
スコア 0.0
Easy and fast exercise   2004/1/28

Is there anyone who can help me with some fast and easy quick exercise routines? I am looking for 20 or 30 minute routines that you can do before going out for the evening. So no heavy sweating Please share all exercise and nutrition tips. Thanks!

3 コメント, 124 閲覧された回数, 22 投票 ,4.21 スコア
17 記事
スコア 0.0
MENTAL FITNESS Surrounding the "SPARK"   2004/1/26

Ok, The "SPARK", I'm so sick of hearing that, I date and I assume I don't make a great first impression, I have great dates, But I always hear for her, "I just didn't feel the spark", Well I've never felt the spark, What is it? Someone tell me, be specific.!!? <br> is it a lust, visual thing, ? <br> i've dated very pretty , like Model type women, I never felt ...

0 コメント, 48 閲覧された回数, 24 投票 ,1.31 スコア
Hottubbondage 59 男
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Dr. Atkins diet   2004/1/18

Dr. Atkins makes a point to limit carbs like white bread and pasta but to exclude most fruits and veggies is unhealthy. A more healthy approach is to remove white bread, pasta and refined sugar but keep fruits and veggies in your daily in take.

0 コメント, 67 閲覧された回数, 35 投票 ,5.53 スコア
heathen1 57 男
1 記事
スコア 0.0
The Dominant's motivation for fitness   2004/1/12

There is an awful lot of discussion about weight-loss and getting fit here, as well there should be. A Dom/me should have at least the personal discipline to maintain his/her own health.Whether it be through aerobic training for those with primarily "slow-twitch" muscle or power training for those with primarily "fast-twitch" muscle, the goals and discipline should be the same. <br> ...

0 コメント, 60 閲覧された回数, 37 投票 ,8.15 スコア
weebro18 41 男
4 記事
スコア 0.0
how to be in balance, Yoga!   2004/1/12

If you try yoga, you will find 3 major benefits!!! <br> Firstly that your body balances out, if one leg is slightly stronger, then yoga helps the weaker one catch up in strength. also although it doesnt look like cardiovascular, excuse the spelling(if it is wrong), it will help you last longer as it trains your muscles to do more with less energy. <br> Secondly is that ...

0 コメント, 68 閲覧された回数, 11 投票 ,5.22 スコア
lurker_below 54 T
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Re: Weight loss (another story)   2003/12/9

In the past two years, I've lost 50 pounds - gone from about 250 to under 200. In the process I've shaved 4-6 inches from the waistline, and probably 25 points from the blood pressure. <br> How? By watching what I ate, and exercising. I counted calories (no fun, but it works - carry a small book, write down *everything* you eat for a day, then count up the calories - don't be ...

0 コメント, 72 閲覧された回数, 34 投票 ,7.73 スコア
17 記事
スコア 0.0
reply why women want young fit guys   2003/11/11

well lets face it guys, what do most of us want, maybe not young, but we light well put together women, fit

0 コメント, 182 閲覧された回数, 60 投票 ,4.19 スコア
zzzjudyzzz 57 女
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Re: HELP Trying to get it all back together   2003/10/28

Have you tried Pilates? Lots of exercises that target specific areas of the body, you don't need any fancy equipment, and you don't need to go to classes at the gym - just pick up a few video tapes.

0 コメント, 39 閲覧された回数, 13 投票 ,5.83 スコア
IndyCpl4Tonight 49 C
2 記事
スコア 0.0
Heavy weight reps vs. heavy weight holding. What's better?   2003/10/23

I've got a friend who read an article the other day that said that on your max-out days ifyou were to hold your upmost-can't-lift-an-ounce-more max for 60 seconds and do this four times that it would be just as good as doing 2 reps of ten w/the same weight and still build muscle mass. Has anyone else ever dealt w/this kind of workout before? If so, what were your results and how would you ...

2 コメント, 112 閲覧された回数, 29 投票 ,5.25 スコア
IamTheLadyD 61 女
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Reshaping   2002/7/30

You can't reshape your body by doing aerobic activities but you can reshape your body by working out with weights. Aerobics are physical fitness activities such as running, biking, or stair-stepping that are sustained by the body's continual supply of oxygen, and that cause your pulse to reach 60-80 percent of it's capacity and stay there for twenty minutes or longer.( I'm not putting down ...

0 コメント, 40 閲覧された回数, 67 投票 ,7.08 スコア
newtoaltbdsm 49 男
1 記事
スコア 0.0
great abbs   2002/5/30

This is very simple. Don't eat meat or sweet's. Stick to a vegitarian diet. Then Start by doing crunches to develop your upper abbs. That is the easy part, you need to do situp's and reverse crunche's to develop your lower abb's. In about six months you should see at least your upper abb's start to show. That sould start you to getting your abb's to show. One other thing is to never to give ...

0 コメント, 130 閲覧された回数, 128 投票 ,1.20 スコア
Redmask64 59 男
1 記事
スコア 0.0
Iron Shirt Training adjuct to Your Cock can be Like a Rock   2002/2/18

Interesting article. My martial arts teacher in San Diego teaches Iron Shirttraining that the chinese soldiers had to learn faster than the monks did. It was a 4 month period per year of weights and mediatation with herbs and no sex! Your ab area developes toughness first then each year the chi strengthens up into the upper ab area then chest. Meaning you can take a much hard strike and not ...

0 コメント, 91 閲覧された回数, 59 投票 ,1.35 スコア