Forced Masturbation Playroom

This is a group for people who like to be forced to pleasure themselves....and those naughty individuals who want to make us perform!! Whether you want to be the one put thru the paces....or personally direct the masturbation of someone else....if you're looking to have some REAL fun while you sit behind your computer....this is the place to do it!! Be ready to be told to go at it....or pick someone to experiment on!! This is a group to explore the fetish of self decide the intimate behavior of others....and leave your own the whim of those in the group!! If you're looking for a good time when you go online....join the fun!! Lets put our dirty minds to use....and see what kind of kinky, perverted and uninhibited filthy play....we can cum up with for each other!!

Le(s) sujet (s):

guttercockfacial 65H
Mots clés

Seuls les membres inscrits de ALT.compeuvent rejoindre ce groupe. Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

Thèmes dans Forced Masturbation Playroom
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Introduce yourself....and tell us why you joined the group
41  0  17/8/2008

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