NE Wyoming Alt Lifestyles

Greetings and Salutations

This group is being formed to see if there is an interest in those in the reasonable traveling area would like to have a permanent place to to go to be what they are, what ever that may be Master/Dom Domme or sub/slave TV TG TS everything.

We are looking to get a small group of people from the area together to see if they would be willing to help in mkaing this happen both financially and physically as well as being an active part of it or a silent partner which ever is prefered. We will make the retreat available to other groups for meeting and playing on a paid basis to help pay for the things at the retreat so as to make it somewhat self supportive.

I am a Master with 24 years in the lifestyle and am in a position to be able to run it fulltime and am considering finding someplace where a few of those who would like to could also put in homes so they could live on site permanently, thus making it possible to live the lifestyle as it is meant to be lived 24/7/365 with the exception of having to work.(Unless of course you are independently wealthy). This would be a lifstyles retreat so children will not be acceptable on premisies as anything to do with childredn WILL NOT be allowed.

This project will include if possible a fully equipped play space, slave quarters and eventually a number of other things as time and finances permit.

Also will consider a couple of fulltime live in slaves to help with the operations of the retreat. sub/slave couple also considered.

Anyone who is interested in being a part of such a venture can contact me here and we can chat to see what we want to do. At this time the amount of capital needed will depend on how many people are interested but I am hoping to get things going very soon, so if you are interested feel free to leave a message.

各種話題: 建議, 肛交, 成熟/年齡差異, 窒息/呼吸玩家們, 臀部迷戀, 汽車, 黑人熟女, 特殊性癖好友好企業, 特殊性癖好提供, 雙性戀, 身體穿刺, 書籍/雜誌, 烙印, 城市&鄰近地區, 項圈/套住項圈, 承諾儀式, 電腦及網際網路, 烹飪, 緊身褡, 舔陰, 支配慾很強的女子, 色老頭們, 主人, 地牢看守者, 牢獄, 優勢玩家, 畢業/學校/Alumni, 電玩, 娛樂, 情色藝術, 情色小說, 暴露狂, 淫姦, 口交, 鞭打, 戀足癖, 毛皮, 遊戲, 男同志/女同志, 鋼奴大師/腳鏈族, 政府和政治, 束髮帶, 健康問題, 羞辱, 乳膠, 皮類, 被虐待狂, 醫療效果, 模特兒/攝影師, 金錢, 皮繩愉虐, 音樂, 其它, 雙親, 電話性愛, 絨毛玩偶, 劈腿族, 小馬之樂, 消遣娛樂&體育活動, 宗教&信仰, 角色扮演, 奴隸綑綁, 安全性行為, 科學&技術, 情趣玩具, 虐待狂, 安全語, 愛好 – 私密事務, 愛好- 公共事務/俱樂部, 知覺剝奪, 服務, 戀鞋癖, 打屁股, 意見, 訊息交換, 全時完全權力移交生活型態, 服從訓練, 變性/ 扮裝者, 旅遊, 制服/服裝, 影音/照相術, 水上活動, 寫部落格

DisasterMasterV 59男

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在NE Wyoming Alt Lifestyles的主題

Would you live the lifestyle 24/7/365 if you could?
23  0  2007-08-26

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