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Friends and Family

A place where friends can gether to chat and meet other people.. To be able to give advice and not be harrased.Here on alt we find more and more drama brought to each and every room, but this shall be one safe haven for us all. All lifestyles are welcome to join this group and are free to chat in here... There are just a few protocols..


There will be no trolling allowed!!!!!!! This is scrictly enforced.

No drama or anything of that nature...Please take your fighting to another room....Other members do not wish to be involved in your arguements.

No Private messaging unless you ask the person first and it is ok. You will show respect to other members of this room...Keep in mind this is a BDSM chatroom not the romper room.

Again respect.No one condemns no one...If you do not agree with ones lifestyle and they are showing it in the room (Gorean for example) you will not say a thing condemning it. Let others enjoy themselves also

This group does have a moderator..I do not wish to ban you,but will warn you only once..I will strictly enforce this to the best of my power and alts... So have a good time all and enjoy your stay

Drakon3 49男

ALT.com に登録したメンバーだけがグループに参加できます。 ここ をクリックして登録しましょう。

Friends and Familyのトピック

このグループには、まだ議論がありません。 議題を投稿するには、このエリアのグループメンバーでなければなりません。

このグループとリンクするには、(Friends and Family) あなたのメッセージに [group 30488] を含んで下さい。

1 グループメンバー

