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Femslaves & Men Masters of TPE

Ok, this group is a very specific group, designed to fill a very specific void that I noticed needs to be filled.

There are about 70 groups that came before this one that deal with the 24/7 TPE slavery relationship. However, none of them were dedicated specifically to female 24/7 TPE slaves and male 24/7 TPE masters. Most of them do not confine themselves to gender roles.

That is NOT to say that there is anything wrong with a mistress and a male slave... no, as long as that's what you want, then I won't say anything about it.

But... I still think there needs to be a group dedicated to this particular kind of gender role. Anyone who wants to make the polar opposite to this group - mistresses and male slaves - be my guest. Even if I didn't want you to do it (which I don't care, but even if I did), it's not like I can stop you or anything.

To qualify for this group, you must meet two criteria:

1. You must be primarily interested in, or currently engaged in, a 24/7 TPE relationship. 2. Men must be the masters of the TPE relationship, and women must be the slaves.

Other than that, join away!

sickandtwisted88 35男

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