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NoFS - No "Fake Singles"

ANYONE is welcome, single or otherwise, as long as they label themselves accurately.

"Single" is a term that seems to be rapidly eroding. Yet "Single" isn't that hard to sort out. If you're involved with someone romantically, you're not single. If you're married, you're not single. If you're in an 'open' relationship of any sort, you're not single. Even if you want to break from your current partner, you're still not single yet. Waiting for divorce paperwork? Not single. Just started dating someone you think has potential? We're happy for you! Really. But update your profile. And yes, even regular "friends with benefits" counts as "not single" in our books.

Single to us means *completely* unencumbered by another individual in the romantic sense. If unsure as to whether or not you're single, you probably aren't.

There's an epidemic of 'fake single' everywhere. That little choice some make NOT to correctly pick the 'couple' category when signing up however undermines the very nature of a dating site. Understandably many people, single or otherwise, just want the social aspects of chatting and that's great! You're very welcome here. Some people are hopeful of becoming single in the near future. We understand. Others still are purposely seeking relationships from a non-single footing and we're not here to judge you either. All we ask is that you LABEL YOURSELF ACCURATELY. That means if you're not genuinely single, we'd really like to see you marked as a couple or, at minimum, state that you're not *actually* single in the first few words of your profile headline (which is viewable by even free members in the chat room).

Otherwise, think of this as an 'alternative Lobby'. The topics can range freely and as far afield as the group wants at any given moment but it's probably best if heavy cyber play and 'over-sharing' stay private between individuals.

That's it. Just show off your *real* relationship status and start making new friends. Enjoy!

- NoFS

ps. Make an intro post in the first week after you join for 'full' membership.

Fork_N_Spoon 55男

ALT.com に登録したメンバーだけがグループに参加できます。 ここ をクリックして登録しましょう。

NoFS - No "Fake Singles"のトピック

このグループには、まだ議論がありません。 議題を投稿するには、このエリアのグループメンバーでなければなりません。

このグループとリンクするには、(NoFS - No "Fake Singles") あなたのメッセージに [group 41414] を含んで下さい。

2 グループメンバー


2 人のアクティブメンバーを見る

