Urspünglicher Artikel

An Old Taboo
by Maris Lemieux

Since 40 year-old Demi Moore showed up for the cameras with 25 year-old Ashton Kutcher on her arm, it seems the proverbial cat -- the older woman/younger man relationship -- is out of the bag. Demi Moore would be the cat -- what Valerie Gibson calls a "cougar" in her book Cougar: A guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men. Lately, the media have been telling us there's an increase in this type of relationship. And usually they are also thrilled to mention cougar women throughout history: Mae West, Merle Oberon, Ruth Gordon, Mary Tyler Moore, Raquel Welsh, Susan Sarandon -- they all marri

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Maris, Your article was very interesting, but it did remind
me of an old joke.

It seems an elderly couple on their first ever love boat
cruise were having some serious relationship troubles.
A steward overheard them arguing one night, and the man
said "Oh yeah? Well I'm going to leave and find
me some sweet young things and just have the time of my life!"
to which his wife replied "Well then, so am I! But I'm
going to have a lot more fun than you will!" "How
do you figure?" he asked hotly. "Simple arithmetic."
she replied coolly. " 20 goes into 60 a lot more times
than 60 goes into 20!"